Website Launch from the Chairlift in Breckenridge, CO

Website building process

Here's a quick note about the website building process- a DIY project like none other.  After a month on the learning curve we are about to launch the new Young Colors shopping experience!

Here's how it went: about 4 months of researching platforms, 2 weeks of testing with a free 2 week trial from Shopify, then 3 weeks of loading, building content,and working out bugs with apps and themes. The team consisted of a data entry specialist (aka 120 wpm baseball mom) and a creative guru (aka our new online store manager and mother of 4)... can you say JUGGLE?  And me.  As a professional ski instructor, directing the chaos from the chairlift in Breckenridge Colorado.  Yes, your fingers freeze.  And no, I have not as of yet dropped the phone.

I hope you enjoy the site and buy lots of cute outfits for your adorable kiddos!

Stay tuned as we will add product often!

Hey, did I say "I'd rather be skiing"?  

3, 2, 1 - the soft launch is now...


Selfie Breck Chairlift                     The Glove                           Town from the new Peak 6

A funny story: Three college buddies took a month long class in Colorado.  Our pact was we could only read the text book from the chairlift.  So each day one of the 3 was assigned a chapter.  We ripped the chapter out of the text book and stuffed it into our ski jacket pocket.  Then that person would read the chapter on the chairlift only.  We all got A+'s.  The class was Stress Management, so I thought why not attempt the same, just 25 yrs later, building our website.  OK, I did work a bunch on the chairlift, but also at a desk.


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